

Producător: Anybus
Producător: Anybus

AB4005 Anybus-S Profibus-DP

  • Complete Profibus-DP Slave functionality according to IEC 61158
  • Automatic baud rate detection (9600 bit/s - 12 Mbit/s)
  • RS-485 optically isolated Profibus interface with DC/DC converter on-board
  • Full interchangeability with AnyBus-S modules for other networks
  • Save/load configuration in flash supported
  • AnyBus-S Starterkit and evaluation board available
  • Up to 244 bytes input and 244 bytes output
Preț de la 1.603,00 RON Net

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Promocja cenowa na model HDR-15-5

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New hardware is released and will start to be delivered during May 2008. The new hardware is based on the NP30 network processor developed by HMS, and has been tested at a test center and conforms to the latest specifications. The new version has the same functionality as the old version. The Anybus-S Profibus-DP is available with a 2k byte parallel Dual Port Ram interface. Profibus station address can be selected via switches on the front side of the module or by software via the application interface. A bus termination switch is located on the front side of the module. A DC/DC converter and optocouplers are provided onboard. The module is certified by the Profibus user organization and has proven conformance and interoperability with leading PLC´s from Siemens, Rockwell, ABB & Omron.

Specificație tehnică

  • Specyfikacja techniczna
Wymiary: 54 mm x 86 mm x 15 mm
Napięcie zasilania: +5V max 350mA
Temperatura pracy: 0 to +70°C
Baud Rate:b Auto baudrate
I/O Input: max 244 bytes
I/O Output: max 244 bytes
Interfejs urządzenia: Równoległy
Funkcje profibus: All mandatory + User parameter data, Device related data diagnos

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