
Anybus X-gateway PROFINET-IO Slave PROFINET-IO Slave

Producător: Anybus
Producător: Anybus

AB7651 Profinet IO Device - Profinet IO Device

  • Galvanical isolation between the two Profinet interfaces
  • Logical isolation between the two Profinet interfaces
  • SSI scripts used for easy display/control of process data on webpages
  • Gateway diagnostics via WEB-pages
  • Profinet 100 Mbit/s twisted pair RJ45 connection
  • 2 x 1 Mbyte storage space on Flash disk
  • TCP/IP settings configurable with web-page, Anybus IPconfig, DHCP or Profinet configuration tool.
  • Support for Anybus OPC Server
Preț de la 4.646,00 RON Net

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The Anybus X-gateway copies I/O-data in both directions thus enabling data exchange between the two networks. Default I/O configuration is 20 bytes Input and 20 bytes Output. Changing default settings is very simple and is carried out using the RS232 configuration port and a standard terminal interface on a PC, such as Hyper Terminal for Windows.

The Anybus OPC Server is supported and included with this X-gateway. It enables fast and dynamic transfer of fieldbus data to and from e.g. SCADA/HMI/Enterprice level systems based on Microsoft Windows.

The Profinet IO interface is a complete solution for a Profinet IO slave Device. The module is based on the Siemens Profinet IO software technology. The Profinet IO baudrate is 100Mbit/s (full duplex). The IP-address and additional IP-settings is easily configured with the Anybus IPconfig utility for Windows. Additional ways to set the IP-address are either via DHCP or Profinet configuration tool. Four diagnostic LEDs will continuously indicate the actual Profinet IO status and possible error messages. The Profinet IO interface uses a normal RJ45 connector for the bus connection. IT-functions like WEB-server, E-mail client, FTP-server are also supported. The IT functions can be used simultaneously with the Profinet IO communication. Modbus/TCP is also supported with "Read Data" functions.

Specificație tehnică

  • Specyfikacja techniczna
Size: 126 mm x 110 mm x 42 mm
Power Supply: 24 VDC (?10%)
Temperature: 0-65°C°C
Current Consump: max 300 mA
Baud Rate: 100 Mbit/s
I/O Input: Default 20 bytes, max 512 bytes
I/O Output: Default 20 bytes, max 512 bytes
Mech Rating: IP20/Nema1
Config Method: Windows Hyper Terminal, GSD file for Profinet
UL certification: E203225, Listed 67AM, UL-1604 Class 1, Div 2, GP A, B, C, D, Temp Code T4
ATEX certification: ATEX 135419, II 3 G, EEx nL IIC T4, DEMKO 03
Power supply connect: 2-pole 5.08 mm Phoenix pluggable screw connector
Profinet connectors:: RJ45
Profinet IP-address: Any valid IP-addresses
Profinet config.: Configured by any Profinet master using the supplied GSD file
Price Group: A
Order Code: AB7651

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