
Anybus S CC Link

Producător: Anybus
Producător: Anybus

Anybus-S CC-Link

  • Dual port (DPRAM) parallel interface
  • Total 128 I/O points (bit) and 32 words
  • Number of occupied stations: 1-4
  • Supports profiles for "Remote Device"
  • CC-Link conformance BTP-05027-B specification
  • Support for CC-Link version 2.0 with extended data
Preț de la 2.651,00 RON Net

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The Anybus-S module for CC-link is available with a 2 kByte Parallel Dual Port Ram interface. The module can be initialized with any of the profiles that are supported with a Remote Device Unit. The CC-Link address and baudrate can be selected via switches on the front side of the module or by software via the application interface. An DC/DC converter provides a galvanically isolated fieldbus interface. When used in standard mode the module support CC-Link version 1, but can during initialisation be configured for CC-Link version 2 functionality.

Specificație tehnică

  • Specyfikacja techniczna
Wymiary: 54 mm x 86 mm x 15 mm
Napięcie zasilania: +5V max 300mA
Temperatura pracy: 0 to +70°C
Baud Rate:b 156 kbit/s - 10 Mbit/s
I/O Input: 128 I/O bit
I/O Output: 128 I/O bit
Metoda konfiguracji Przełączniki lub z urządzenia
Interfejs urządzenia: Równoległy

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