Producător: UNITRONICS
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Model Disponibilitate Garanție Lista de dorințe Prețul tăuPrețul tău Cantitate articole AdăugareGW-KNX1KNX to Modbus GatewayÎn stocGaranție: 3.658,90 RON4.500,45 RONIntră în cont pentru a vedea prețurile GW-KNX1KNX to Modbus GatewayDisponibilitate:În stocPreț net:3.658,90 RON
The GW-KNX1 is an external, high performance Building Automation multi-protocol gateway that is preconfigured to automatically communicate between Unitronics’ products (hereafter called “device”) connected to the GW-KNX1 and automatically configures them for Modbus. The getaway will convert the Modbus communication to KNX, letting the user connect Unitronics products to KNX networks.